Friday 1 February 2013

Fees for Intervention

In October the HSE introduced new Fee for Intervention (FFI). These new fees mean that following a site inspection that requires any follow up action from them, the cost of writing to you, or issuing any action will result in a direct cost to you.

According to the HSE, “These Regulations will put a duty on HSE to recover its costs for carrying out its regulatory functions from those found to be in material breach of health and safety law.

“A material breach is, when in the opinion of the HSE inspector, there has been a contravention of health and safety law that is serious enough to require them to notify the person in material breach of that opinion in writing.”

It’s therefore even more important than ever before to demonstrate that you’ve considered all the risks on site and that you’ve made the necessary assessments. Version 4 of award-winning Health & Safety Xpert software is the ideal time-saving solution to producing that paperwork, including risk assessments, method statements and policies.

Health & Safety Xpert is the award winning health and safety software from HBXL - and now more comprehensive than ever with the new version 4.

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