Friday, 4 October 2013

Hidden benefits II: Realistic timetables with EstimatorXpress

EstimatorXpress is so much more than an estimating package.

As a builder and developer for over 20 years, Adrian Wild, owner of HBXL,  has learnt that no matter what the building project, careful time and financial management is the key to success. Project management involves a very wide skill set to ensure the project runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. And the build program and linked reports that come with EstimatorXpress take away all the guesswork.
  • Do your projects ever pass their planned completion dates?
  • Do you have to extend your rental on plant?
  • Can you demonstrate to customers or lenders, in advance, the sequence of events?

The build program is an important control document to monitor the progress of the project. The build program is usually in bar chart form, showing the duration for each activity in a logical sequence. Right from the beginning of your project you’ll be able to show customers or prospective lenders (if you are borrowing money to fund the project) that you have planned the project to a realistic timescale and can demonstrate when exactly you need paying by your customers or when you need borrowed funds. Again EstimatorXpress will help.

As well as quantities it is very important to establish lead times for deliveries so you don’t create unnecessary delays on site - it’s a costly business having tradesmen standing around on site with nothing to do! Your EstimatorXpress build program links directly to material and labour schedules produced by EstimatorXpress. It is not uncommon for some items to be on 8 –12 week lead times… so you need to plan well ahead for these and to keep chasing the suppliers to ensure your order is being progressed. There is no point in saving a few quid on materials if they arrive late and leave your program in tatters…and you with a fat labour bill because your tradesmen could not get on with the job!

Having a realistic timetable for the job is also useful when it comes to estimating the cost of finance and other onsite costs. You will be surprised how quickly finance costs can eat into your budget (running into thousands of pounds) if your project extends beyond your completion date not to mention the additional costs of renting temporary accommodation, onsite toilets, containers, mixers and forklifts.

To find out more about EstimatorXpress visit here.
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